How Many Slices Are in a Large Pizza? (Explained & Guides)

I am not sure about you, but when I order a pizza, I always ask for the large size. I love to have plenty of pizza to eat, and usually end up eating half of it myself. But lately I have been wondering how many slices are in a large pizza? Is it really 8 or 12 slices like they say? So I did some research and found out that the answer is actually…it depends! Read on to find out more.

What Is A Pizza Slice?

A pizza slice is a portion of a pizza that has been cut from the whole pie. A slice typically contains one or two toppings and a small amount of cheese. Pizza slices are usually triangular in shape, but can also be square or rectangular.

Size Of The Pizza

The size of the pizza slice you get will depend on how the pizza is cut. If the pizza is cut into traditional triangles, then each slice will be roughly the same size. However, if the pizza is cut into squares or rectangles, then the slices may vary in size. This is because some people prefer larger slices while others prefer smaller ones. It really just depends on your personal preference.

Small 6″

Medium 8″

Large 10″

Extra Large 12″

The average pizza slice is about 2-4 inches wide and 8 inches long. Of course, this will vary depending on the size of the pizza and how it is cut.

How The Pizza Is Cut

Another factor that can affect how many slices are in a large pizza is how it is cut. Some pizzerias cut their pizzas into squares, while others cut them into traditional wedges. Square-cut pizzas typically have more pieces than wedge-cut pizzas, so if you’re looking for more slices, be sure to ask for a square-cut pizza.

Number Of Toppings

The number of toppings on the pizza can also affect how many pieces it is cut into. A pizza with fewer toppings will usually have more pieces than a pizza with more toppings. This is because the toppings add weight to the pizza, making it harder to cut into thin slices. So if you’re looking for more slices, be sure to ask for a pizza with fewer toppings.

How Big Is A Large Pizza?

Now that you know all about pizza slices, you’re probably wondering how big a large pizza actually is. The answer, again, is…it depends! Most pizzerias cut their large pizzas into 8 or 12 slices, but some may cut them into 10 or 16 slices. So if you’re wondering how many slices are in a large pizza, be sure to ask your local pizzeria before you order.

As you can see, the answer to the question “how many slices are in a large pizza?” is not as simple as it seems. The size of the pizza, the type of crust, and the number of toppings all play a role in determining how many pieces the pizza will be cut into. So when you’re ordering your next pizza, be sure to keep all of these factors in mind. And if you’re still not sure how many slices you’ll get, just ask the pizzeria before you order. They should be able to give you an accurate estimate.

How Many Slices On A Pizza?

The answer to how many slices are in a large pizza depends on a few factors, such as the size of the pizza and how it is cut. For example, a 16-inch pizza is typically cut into 8 or 12 slices, while a 14-inch pizza is usually cut into 6 or 10 slices. So if you’re ordering a large pizza, be sure to ask how it will be cut before you make your purchase.

In general, pizzas are cut into either 4, 6, 8, or 12 pieces. However, there are some unusual sizes out there, such as the 24-slice “party pizza” from Pizza Hut. So if you’re ever in doubt, just ask your server or check the menu before you order.

How Many Slices In A Large Pizza Pizza Hut, Domino’s Pizza & Papa John Pizza

  • Slices In A Large Pizza Domino’s: At Domino’s, a large pizza is 16 inches in diameter and has 10 slices.
  • Slices In A Large Pizza Papa John’s Pizza: At Papa John’s, a large pizza is 14 inches in diameter and has 8 slices.
  • Slices In A Large Pizza Pizza Hut: At Pizza Hut, a large pizza is 18 inches in diameter and has 10-12 slices.
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As you can see, the answer to how many slices are in a large pizza depends on a few different factors. So if you’re ever unsure, just ask your server or check the menu before you order.

Individual Slice Sizes Of Pizza :

Pizza Hut: 2.86 inches x 2.86 inches

Domino’s Pizza: 3.46 inches x 3.46 inches

Papa John’s Pizza: 3.26 inches x 3.26 inches

As you can see, there is a significant difference in the number of slices you get with a large pizza from each of these chains. If you’re looking for the most bang for your buck, then Pizza Hut is the way to go. But if you’re looking for a thinner crust pizza, then Domino’s or Papa John’s might be a better option.

How To Cut A Pizza Into Slices

The easiest way to cut a pizza into slices is to use a pizza cutter. A pizza cutter is a kitchen tool that has a sharp, wheel-shaped blade that can easily slice through dough and toppings. To use a pizza cutter, simply place the blade on the top of the pizza and roll it forward until it reaches the edge of the pie. Then, continue moving the cutter around the circumference of the pizza until it has been cut into the desired number of slices.

If you don’t have a pizza cutter, you can also use a sharp knife to cut the pizza into slices. To do this, simply place the blade of the knife at the top of the pizza and saw back and forth until it has been cut into the desired number of slices.

Pizza Slice Serving Size

One pizza slice is typically considered to be one serving. However, this will vary depending on the size and thickness of the slice. For example, a thin slice from a small pizza may only be half a serving, while a thick slice from a large pizza could be two servings.

When it comes to deciding how many slices to order, it’s important to consider how many people you’re feeding and how hungry they are. A good rule of thumb is to order one slice per person if you’re serving the pizza as a side dish, and two slices per person if you’re serving it as a main course.

How Much Pizza Do I Need to Order:

To answer this question, you’ll need to know how many people you’re feeding and how much pizza each person typically eats. Once you have that information, you can use this helpful formula to figure out how many pizzas to order:

Number of Pizzas = Number of People x Average Amount of Pizza Eaten Per Person

For example, if you’re having a party with 20 people and you know that each person will eat about 2 slices of pizza, you’ll need to order 10 pizzas.

If you’re not sure how much pizza each person will eat, a good rule of thumb is to assume that each person will eat about 3 slices of pizza. Using that estimate, the formula would look like this:

Number of Pizzas = Number of People x 3

So, if you’re having a party with 30 people, you would need to order 10 pizzas.

Keep in mind that this is just a general guideline. You may want to order more or less pizza depending on the appetites of your guests and the other food you’ll be serving.

Pizza Ordering Tips

Whether you’re ordering for a group or just yourself, these tips will help you get the most out of your pizza order.

1. Order extra cheese – Most pizza places charge extra for additional cheese, but it’s always worth it. Cheese makes everything better!

2. Get a large pizza – A large pizza is usually around 16 inches in diameter and has 8 slices. A small pizza is typically around 10 inches in diameter and has 6 slices.

3. Choose your toppings wisely – If you’re ordering for a group, it’s best to stick with classic toppings like pepperoni or sausage. But if you’re ordering for yourself, feel free to get creative!

4. Ask for discounts – Many pizza places offer discounts if you order online or over the phone. So be sure to ask about any deals that might be available.

5. Know when to order – The weekends are usually the busiest times for pizza places, so it’s best to avoid ordering then. weekdays are typically a better time to get your pizza fix.

following these tips will help ensure that you get the most out of your next pizza order!


1. How many slices are in a large pizza?

A large pizza typically has 8 slices.

2. How many people does a large pizza feed?

A large pizza usually feeds 4-6 people.

3. What is the best way to reheat leftover pizza?

The best way to reheat leftover pizza is to place it on a baking sheet and heat it in a preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

4. How long does pizza last in the fridge?

Pizza typically lasts 3-5 days in the fridge.

5. How many pizzas do I need for 12 adults?

You would need to order 4 pizzas.

6. How many does a large pizza feed?

A large pizza usually feeds 4-6 people.

7. Is it better to get 2 medium pizzas or 1 large?

It is usually better to get 2 medium pizzas. This way, you can try two different types of pizza or have leftovers for later.

8. How much pizza do you need per person?

A good rule of thumb is to order one slice per person if you’re serving the pizza as a side dish, and two slices per person if you’re serving it as a main course.


The answer to how many slices are in a large pizza depends on a few factors, such as the size of the pizza and how it is cut. In general, pizzas are cut into either 4, 6, 8, or 12 pieces. However, there are some unusual sizes out there, such as the 24-slice “party pizza” from Pizza Hut. So if you’re ever in doubt, just ask your server or check the menu before you order. Thanks for reading!

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